Tuesday, January 3, 2012

howdy there

long time no write.  i was feeling a little blah looking at my blog and just couldn't get into posting.  so a little facelift was in order until i can get the whole design my own thing under my belt to get me back in the blogging mood.  thanks to The Cutest Blog On The Block  for awesome and FREE designs. 

i AM doing project 365 this year and actually got the first two days done and posted on flickr.  an amazing accomplishment for me since i tend to procrastinate.  a lot.



new year's day the little one and i had pork and kraut at mom's house with my sister, niece, and the biggest nephew, Danny, plus his girl.  dinner was quiet and yummy and ended with an early birthday cake and presents.  the last day of Christmas vacation was finished off with a game of Risk with all my boys and Danny.  if the first two days are any indication, 2012 is going to be a peaceful year.  YAY!  i could so use some peace around here.  Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. yay photos! would you believe I've never played Risk? for shame!
